Open eVision

Euresys EasyOCR2

Highlights The Euresys EasyOCR2 is a font-dependent printed character reader. It has been designed to read short texts such as part numbers, serial numbers, expiry dates, manufacturing dates, lot codes, … printed on labels or directly on parts. The Euresys EasyOCR2 uses an advanced novel algorithm to locate the texts to read in the image. … Continued

Euresys Deep Learning Bundle

Highlights Why Choose the Euresys Deep Learning Bundle? The Euresys Deep Learning Bundle has been tailored, parametrized, and optimized for analyzing images, particularly for machine vision applications. The Deep Learning Bundle has a simple API and the user can benefit from the power of deep learning technologies with only a few lines of code. The … Continued

Euresys Easy3D

Highlights The Euresys Easy3D is a set of software tools enabling the development of 3D machine vision inspection applications. The Easy3D license is available separately. Easy3D is required for all 3D developments and is included in the Easy3DlaserLine and Easy3DObject licenses. Point Cloud Processing: After calibration, the 3D point cloud contains distortion-free data using a real-world … Continued

Euresys EasyQRCode

Highlights QR codes are 2D bar codes. They are widely used for their fast readability, high reliability, and their large storage capacity compared to ordinary barcodes. Euresys EasyQRCode is a robust QR code reading library for industrial applications such as part identification and product or time tracking. These applications typically require the fast and reliable … Continued

Euresys EasyBarCode

Highlights The Euresys EasybarCode is a library designed to automatically locate and read bar codes. Bar codes encode short character string and are widely used for marking and identifying goods. EasyBarCode is able to identify and read a wide range of standard commonly-used symbologies as well as special symbologies. Euresys EasyBarCode automatically locates the bar … Continued

Euresys EasyOCR

Highlights The Euresys EasyOCR is a font-dependent printed character reader based on a template matching algorithm. It has been designed to read any kind of short text (part numbers, serial numbers, expiry dates, manufacturing dates, lot codes, …) printed on labels or directly on parts. The Euresys EasyOCR requires training the font to be recognized. … Continued

Euresys EasyObject

Highlights The Euresys EasyObject library handles image segmentation, i.e. the decomposition of images into separate objects, also called blobs. Once the objects have been constructed, they can be handled as independent entities. Various geometric parameters or features, such as area, width, or ellipse of inertia, can be computed on them. Then the objects of interest … Continued

Euresys EasyMatrixCode

Highlights Matrix codes are widely used for parcel tracking and part identification in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and mechanical industries. The Euresys EasyMatrixCode is a fully automatic reader of 2D Data Matrix codes. It recognizes symbols of any size, contrast, location, and orientation in a single operation. EasyMatrixCode supports gray-level images. As an automatic library, a … Continued

Euresys EasyMatch

Highlights The Euresys EasyMatch is a gray-level and color pattern-matching library. It lets you train the system on a reference pattern and afterward locate its occurrences in other images. This tool is very convenient when the position of a given part is unknown in the field of view, or if the presence of parts must … Continued

Euresys EasyImage

Highlights The Euresys EasyImage includes operations usually performed as pre-processing steps to improve the image quality and obtain a good contrast between the background and the objects to be inspected. EasyImage supports gray-level and color images. Selected morphology functions are also optimized for binary (1-bit per pixel) and bi-level images. The Euresys EasyImage includes numerous … Continued