Euresys Inspection Bundle
The Euresys Inspection Bundle is a cost-effective bundle of eVision’s inspection libraries. The Euresys Inspection Bundle includes EasyImage, EasyGauge, EasyMatch, EasyObject, and EasyColor.
- EasyLocate Interest Point: New working mode (alternative to EasyLocate Axis Aligned Bounding Box) simplifying the annotation of the dataset and the configuration of the tools when all objects have the same size. A single click is enough to annotate an EasyLocate Interest Point object.
- EasyGauge: New Polygon Gauge in addition to Point, Line, Rectangle, Circle and Wedge gauges. Deep Learning tools now supporting GPU processing on NVIDIA Jetson. Faster compilation time with simplified C++ headers and reduced calling cost to the Open eVision API.EasyGauge is a cutting-edge measurement and dimension control library for use in gauging and metrology applications. By relying on proven sub-pixel edge detection (Point & Line) and shape fitting (Rectangle, Circle, Wedge & Polygon) algorithms, it allows determining the dimension, position, curvature, size, angle or diameter of manufactured parts with an excellent accuracy. Robustness is ensured by powerful edge-point selection mechanisms that are intuitive and easy to tune, allowing measurement in cluttered images. In addition, EasyGauge also supports the automatic measurement of parallel sides, thus providing means of measuring the thickness of flat or bent objects, as well as the precise location of corners.
- EasyImage includes operations usually performed as pre-processing steps to improve the image quality and obtain a good contrast between the background and the objects to be inspected.EasyImage supports gray-level and color images. Selected morphology functions are also optimized for binary (1-bit per pixel) and bi-level images. EasyImage includes numerous image processing functions, such as enhancement and restoration by linear or non-linear filtering, arithmetic and logic operations, geometric transformations for image registration, histogram analysis for thresholding, projection, etc.
- The EasyObject library handles image segmentation, i.e. the decomposition of images into separate objects, also called blobs. Once the objects have been constructed, they can be handled as independent entities. Various geometric parameters or features, such as area, width, or ellipse of inertia, can be computed for each object. Objects of interest can be selected by means of their position or of their computed features. EasyObject also supports the inspection of holes in defined objects. Holes are managed as the objects themselves, benefiting from the same geometrical features. EasyObject manages the relationship between objects and holes, defining parent objects for holes.
- New in Open eVision 22.04. All Open eVision libraries are now also available for embedded ARM devices.
- Flexible Masks provide a powerful way of restricting the processing to freely selected parts of the image. They are supported by selected image analysis functions.
- EasyColor includes a set of optimized color systems transformation functions and color analysis functions. The color systems supported are RGB, XYZ, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, YUV, YIQ, ISH, LSH, VSH, LCH and YSH. EasyColor provides efficient means to convert images between these systems and to transform color images into gray level images and vice versa.
- Open eVision Studio is the evaluation, prototyping and development tool of Open eVision. Its intuitive graphical user interface allows you to call and immediately see the result of any of eVision’s 2D image processing functions. A scripting functionality generates the corresponding code, which can then be copied and pasted into your application. Open eVision Studio is free (when using Open eVision 2.0 and above) and does not require any license. Just click on DOWNLOAD OPEN EVISION STUDIO and install Open eVision. Sample images, manuals and sample programs are included.
- EasyMatch is a gray-level and color pattern matching library. It lets you train the system on a reference pattern and afterwards locate its occurrences in other images. This tool is very convenient when the position of a given part is unknown in the field of view, or if the presence of parts must be controlled. The library works by using normalized correlation method, i.e. measuring discrepancies between the pattern and the target image.
Additional Options
- Neo is the new Licensing System of Euresys. It is reliable, state-of-the-art, and is now available to store Open eVision and eGrabber licenses.
- Neo allows you to choose where to activate your licenses, either on a Neo Dongle or in a Neo Software Container. You buy a license, you decide later.
- Neo Dongles offer a sturdy hardware and provide the flexibility to be transferred from a computer to another.
Neo Software Containers do not need any dedicated hardware, and instead are linked to the computer on which they have been activated. - Neo ships with its own, dedicated, Neo License Manager, which comes in two flavours: an intuitive, easy to use, Graphical User Interface and a Command Line Interface that allows for easy automation of Neo licensing procedures.