Euresys EasyColor
The Euresys EasyColor includes a set of optimized color systems transformation functions and color analysis functions. The color systems supported are RGB, XYZ, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, YUV, YIQ, ISH, LSH, VSH, LCH, and YSH. EasyColor provides efficient means to convert images between these systems and to transform color images into gray-level images and vice versa.
Although the RGB (red, green, blue) representation of color images is well suited for color reproduction (it is used by monitors and cameras), many other representations have been designed for various purposes. More particularly, the Intensity/Saturation/Hue color systems are well suited for machine vision. Euresys EasyColor supports several of them. They separate the achromatic (black and white) component (Intensity) from the chromatic components (Saturation and Hue) which are used to describe colors. This allows a more intuitive interpretation of colors and is very useful to segment colors while eliminating lighting effects. It is thus required, when doing color image processing, to convert the RGB images coming from the camera to another color space, such as LSH, ISH, or YSH. EasyColor provides a set of optimized color space conversion functions.
Also included in the Euresys EasyColor are traditional color image processing functions (such as Bayer pattern conversion and color balance correction), as well as powerful color analysis functions, which allow the user to detect and classify color objects and defects. For example, color image segmentation allows you to decompose a color image in different regions by assigning a class to every pixel. Color image segmentation can be used in conjunction with EasyObject to perform blob analysis on the segmented regions. It is also possible to filter pixels by selecting ranges of values for each component, for example, selecting olive green pixels based on their hue only, with loose discrimination on the intensity and saturation to eliminate surface and lighting effects.
- Fast conversion to 11 color spaces.
- Geometric transformations.
- Color verification.
- Color transformations: Lookup tables (LUTs).
- LUT for Specific Usage: Colorimetric systems conversion, LUT for gain/offset (color), LUT for color calibration, LUT for color balance (gamma pre-compensation, white balance).
- Color image components: Merging and extracting image components, pseudo-coloring.
- Color classification for segmentation.
- Special color formats: YUV 422 decompression, Bayer patterns to RGB.
- Typical applications include food inspection, printing, and PCB inspection.