MidOpt Machine Vision Binder Filter Kit FK100
Available in any size filter M22.5- M105, the FK100 is an excellent starter kit for evaluating your system and image quality. This MidOpt Filter Kit allows you to:
- Test before investing in hardware
- Control the variability of ambient light
- Evaluate glare reduction
- Solve applications quickly
Choose a size to fit your camera system, part #s are made up of the part # prefix (FK100) and adding the filter size in mm, see part numbers listed below.
Kit Includes
- Ten most recommended UV, VIS and NIR Machine Vision Filters
- Step-up and step-down rings to fit M25.5 and M30.5 lenses available with the FK100-27
- Polarizing film for light source
- Technical data and transmission curves for each filter
- Educational material in durable binder to help in understanding filter use
- BP324-Size Near UV Bandpass
- BP470-Size Blue Bandpass
- BP525-Size Light Green Bandpass
- BP550-Size NIR/UV Block-Visible Bandpass
- BP590-Size Orange Bandpass
- BP635-Size Light Red Bandpass
- BP660-Size Dark Red Bandpass
- BP850-Size NIR Bandpass
- LA120-Size Color Balancing (Minus Blue)
- PR032-Size Linear Polarizer
- PS007 Polarizing Film 4.5 x 5
- SU25.5-27* M25.5 Step-Up Adapter
- SD30.5-27* M30.5 Step-Down Adapter
FK100 Sizes & Part Numbers
- FK100-22.5
- FK100-25.5
- FK100-27*
- FK100-30.5
- FK100-34
- FK100-35.5
- FK100-37
- FK100-37.5
- FK100-40.5
- FK100-43
- FK100-46
- FK100-49
- FK100-52
- FK100-55
- FK100-58
- FK100-62
- FK100-67
- FK100-72
- FK100-77
- FK100-82
- FK100-86
- FK100-95
- FK100-105
*Included in the FK100-27 Kit are Step-Up & Step-Down Adapter Rings for M25.5 and M30.5 threaded lenses making, this an excellent starter kit
Product Specifications