Kaya Instruments IP Core Device


The Kaya Instruments IP Core Device provides a Multi-link high-performance solution for rate demanding video applications up to 12.5G per link. Both Host and Device modes of operation are supported. The IP core offers support for the newest and industry-leading Artix, Kintex, Virtex, and Zynq FPGAs, including all 7, Ultrascale and Ultrascale+ families from Xilinx, Cyclone V, Cyclone 10, Arria V GX, Arria V GZ, Arria 10, Stratix IV, Stratix V and Stratix 10 FPGAs from Intel (former Altera) and PolarFire from Microsemi. The device IP core incorporates a friendly streaming interface with a highly configurable pixel packer for glueless connection to imaging sensor or uses logic. The IP supports all GenICam compliant image formats: rectangular and arbitrary shaped, area and line scan, single and multi-tap, multiple regions of interest, and all standard pixel formats.


  • High-speed cameras
  • High definition cameras
  • Panoramic cameras
  • Upgrade for legacy coax based systems
  • Defense remote systems
  • Automotive surround view system
  • Surveillance
  • Robotic Vision


  • Compliant with JIIA NIF-001-2019 CoaXPress standard rev 2.0
  • CXP-2.0 support of up to 12.5 Gbps high-speed link and up to 41 Mbps low-speed link
  • Multiple link rates support
  • Supports both Host and Device modes
  • Multiple CoaXPress 2.0 links suited for applications demanding high throughput.
  • Multiple video stream support
  • Build-in FPGA SerDes, no need for the additional design effort
  • AXI4L/Avalon MM support for the control channel
  • Highly configurable pixel packer
  • Host IP Core supports multiple device connection on different data rates
  • Embedded CRC-32 generate/check for streaming data packets
  • Avalon and AXI4 Stream Interface Profile in Host IP Core
  • Dedicated ports to for GPIO and trigger

Kaya Instruments IP Core Device Details

  • Single or multi-use license
  • Free license for KAYA Instruments CoaXPress Mezzanine card users
  • Soft IP core: RTL-encrypted source code, synthesis scripts, etc.
  • Comprehensive documentation package
  • Support for Altera®, PolarFire from Microsemi, and Xilinx® FPGAs
  • Language: Verilog HDL
  • Simulation environment: ModelSim
KAYA Instruments (Intellectual Property)
Kaya Instruments IP Core Device