Euresys Easy3DObject


The Euresys Easy3DObject is a library able to automatically extract and measure 3D objects from a Point Cloud or ZMap. The Euresys Easy3D is required for all 3D developments and is included in the Easy3DObject license. The Euresys Easy3DObject uses an innovative algorithm to detect objects in Point Clouds or ZMaps. It is able to efficiently extract small and large objects, whatever their shape. The 3D object detection algorithm uses several geometric criteria to focus only on the required objects. These criteria are the size (length, width, and height), the angle (orientation and tilt), the aspect ratio, the area, and the volume of the objects. These parameters are expressed in real-world coordinate units. Using these criteria, the user can limit the extraction to the objects relevant to the inspection. The arbitrary region feature of eVision (ERegion) can be used with Euresys Easy3DObject to refine the domain of extraction. Rectangles, circles, ellipses, polygons, or any arbitrary regions are available as an optional parameter to the extraction.

For each object detected, Euresys Easy3DObject computes 3D geometric measurements. All measurements are expressed in realworld units (such as millimeters or microns). These values include the length, width, and height of the object, the orientation and tilt angles, the area, and the volume. These measurements can then be used to perform a 3D inspection, for example by comparing the results with reference values. For each object detected, Euresys Easy3DObject extracts the local supporting plane. It is then used as the reference for various calculations like height, the top position, or volume. Using only the area surrounding the object in this process makes
Easy3DObject a powerful tool for the inspection of products with curved or non-flat support. The resulting object list can be displayed in 2D and 3D graphical contexts. On an image, the objects can be shown with their bounding rectangle, average position, or extracted pixels. On a 3D Viewer, the objects are displayed with their bounding boxes, planes, or top positions. Display attributes like color or opacity are customizable.

A demo application for Euresys Easy3DObject is provided with complete source code. Using that application, the user will be able to learn and experiment with all the features of the Easy3DObject library. Additionally, code snippets can be generated and integrated into their applications.


  • Detection of 3D objects in point clouds or ZMaps
  • Metric detection criteria
  • Compatible with arbitrary regions
  • Computation of precise 3D measurements, like size, orientation, area,
  • Automatic extraction of object local support plane
  • 2D and 3D graphical display of the results
  • The full-featured interactive demo application


  • PCB inspection
  • LED inspection
  • Connector inspection
  • Checking dimensional accuracy
  • Assembly inspection
  • Object positioning for pick and place machines
  • Food inspection and sorting
Euresys (Machine Vision Software)
Euresys Easy3DObject