MidOpt Near-IR/UV Block-Visible Shortpass Filter SP700

Also referred to as a hot mirror, SP700 filters are recommended for broad visible wavelength transmission and complete IR blocking over the sensitivity range of a monochrome camera with minimal effect on the red portion of the spectrum.  These filters can be provided off-the-shelf in mounts or with very short lead time in virtually any … Continued

MidOpt Near-IR/Deep Red Dichroic Block Shortpass Filter SP675

SP675 filters excel at providing accurate color rendition for digital cameras.  Compared to any other IR cut filters available from various suppliers, SP675 filters are notably more efficient at blocking near IR radiation to a far greater degree. These filters block slightly less red light compared to SP645 filters. Custom fabricated diced or rounded SP645 and … Continued

MidOpt Near-IR/Mid-Red Dichroic Block Shortpass Filter SP645

Our most popular near-IR blocking filter for inside-the-camera applications. Also referred to as an infrared cut filter, these filters limit the amount of infrared radiation that reaches delicate CCD and CMOS sensors. Near-IR blocking is unusually exceptional in the case of these filters. CCD/CMOS imagers are very sensitive to infrared radiation and, often, deep red … Continued

MidOpt Blue-Orange Shortpass Filter SP625

SP625 filters are used to remove most of the red wavelengths and all of the near-IR light from a scene. At times some camera sensors can have an inordinate amount of red content, thus greatly affecting apparent color. In these cases a SP625 filter may be preferred over a SP645 filter.

MidOpt Cyan Shortpass Filter SP585

Applications with an overwhelming amount of orange, red and near-IR light will benefit best from a SP585 filter. Useful for viewing of hot rolled steel to see certain temperature areas while not blinding the system. Often a SP585 filter will be used simultaneously with a neutral density filter.

MidOpt Blue-Green Shortpass Filter SP570

Useful for applications requiring the complete removal of orange, red and near infrared portions of the spectrum. Some common applications: include viewing hot rolled steel or, often in conjunction with a suitable neutral density filter, viewing arc welding operations.

MidOpt Blue Shortpass Filter SP510

Passes blue light while blocking the green and red portions of the spectrum. SP510 filters are useful for improving contrast and resolution, and separating colors in black and white or color applications, as when separating gold metallic finishes from silver metallic finishes.