Bi Series - Narrow Bandwidth Interference - Bandpass Filters

MidOpt Light Red Interference Bandpass Filter Bi632

Recommended for use with red laser diodes and/or LED lighting where precise illumination control is needed or similar red wavelengths are also simultaneously being imaged with other cameras. Bi632 filters effectively block out almost all interference from other red light sources.

MidOpt Green Interference Bandpass Filter Bi550

Bi550 filters are designed to block unwanted ambient light when imaging subjects illuminated with 550nm green LEDs. They are also used to isolate the green vegetation signal used to arrive at EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) and other similar plant health numerical indices.

MidOpt (Discontinued) Light Green Interference Bandpass Filter Bi520

Discontinued. Bi520 Green Interference Bandpass filters typically are used in applications employing 520nm green laser diodes or green 520nm/525nm LED light sources. The latter typically find use in machine vision inspection while the former are commonly used in bioanalytical applications. Various popularly used fluorophores (e.g., GFP, GelStar, SYBER Green, etc.) have emission maximas at or … Continued

MidOpt Blue Interference Bandpass Filter Bi450

Bi450 Blue Interference Bandpass filters are recommended for use with 450nm blue diode lasers and/or LED lighting. When precise illumination control is needed or similar blue wavelengths are also being simultaneously imaged with other cameras, Bi450 filters effectively block out almost all interference from other blue light sources as well as all other visible and … Continued

MidOpt Violet Interference Bandpass Filter Bi405

Bi405 Violet Interference Bandpass filters can be beneficial in removing ambient light in order to image subjects illuminated with 405nm laser diodes. 405nm wavelength is commonly used in Blu-ray applications similar to black-lite filters. This filter is also used in fluorescence applications.