Smart Vision Lights SOBL-200×200
The Smart Vision Lights SOBL-200×200 is an innovative and highly versatile light. SOBL backlights are area lit for a more intense and highly diffuse lighting output. Lights have built-in drivers, so no external driver is needed. LEDs are placed to dispense an even light flow throughout the lighted surface area. At just 30 mm in-depth, the lights can be easily mounted in tight locations. Smart Vision Lights recommends using drop-in T-nuts for mounting a SOBL backlight. The SOBL extrusion has a Bosch size 8
T-nut channel.
Smart Vision Lights SOBL-200×200 Features
- Built-in driver
- PNP and NPN strobe input
- 30mm industrial extrusion for mounting
- 5-pin M12 quick connect
Product Specifications