Smart Vision Lights RMF60-KIT
The Smart Vision Lights RMF60-KIT comes with an RMF60 ring light and a 4WMD-100 external driver. The RMF60 Mini Ring Light Series features three LED zones that can be controlled independently. The RMF60 is designed for darkfield applications and produces a highly focused, homogeneous light pattern. The 4WMD is a four-channel external driver developed for multi-wavelength lights. The 4WMD permits up to four individual wavelengths to be controlled independently of each other. This external driver includes Multi-Drive, which allows a single channel to drive LEDs in continuous operation, or OverDrive strobe mode separate from the other channels. Contact us for more details!
Smart Vision Lights RMF60-KIT Features
- Three individual LED zones with the ability to control each zone independently
- Kit available that includes the 4WMD-100 driver for adjusting individual zones intensity
- PNP and NPN high-speed trigger signal input
- Built-in over-current protection in 4WMD-100 driver
- 5-pin M12 quick-connect (reverse key)
- The Multi-Drive allows the driver to work in continuous operation or OverDrive strobe mode.
- Unique SafeStrobe Technology applies safe working parameters to ensure the LEDs are not damaged by driving them beyond their limits.
- This kit is in compliance with IEC 62471 standards and has been tested in our in house IEC safety laboratory.