Smart Vision Lights MBL-100×100


The Smart Vision Lights MBL-100×100 is a mini back light with an ultra-slim design. Edge-enhancing technology is built-in to provide maximum contrast to backlit objects, providing the ability to get sharp images of round and highly reflective objects. The MBL Series is a Multi-Drive™ light capable of being adjusted remotely from a smartphone or tablet through SmartVisionLink.


  • Small form factor for easy installation
  • Edge-enhancing technology built-in for high contrast inspections
  • Comes in four sizes: 25×25, 50×50, 75×75, and 100×100 mm (size of active area)
  • Built-in Multi-Drive™ driver provides ability to easily switch between continuous operation and OverDrive™ strobe mode

Product Specifications

Smart Vision Lights
Smart Vision Lights MBL-100×100

Available Variations