Smart Vision Lights Lens Spacers


The Smart Vision Lights Lens Spacers are typically used for structured lights and come in a variety of sizes.

LENS SPACE-0.5 0.5 mm
LENS SPACE-1.0 1.0mm
LENS SPACE-2.0 2.0mm
LENS SPACE-5.0 5.0mm
LENS SPACE-10.0 10.0mm
LENS SPACE-15.0 15.0mm
LENS SPACE-20.0 20.0mm
LENS SPACE-25.0 25.0mm
LENS SPACE-30.0 30.0mm
LENS SPACE-35.0 35.0mm
LENS SPACE-40.0 40.0mm
LENS SPACE-45.0 45.0mm
LENS SPACE-50.0 50.0mm


Smart Vision Lights (Accessories)
Smart Vision Lights Lens Spacers