MidOpt Triple Bandpass Green+Red+850nm NIR TB550/660/850
MidOpt triple bandpass filters are primarily designed for aerial agriculture mapping and surveying purposes. Green-Red-Near IR data is used for applications where Chlorophyll Vegetation Index (CVI) and other vegetative index monitoring is preferred. TB550/660/850 filters, when mounted in converted consumer cameras, can help in achieving a more affordable, lightweight alternative to systems using three or more cameras or sensors. Some of the formulas that are employed in these cases include:
- Chlorophyll Vegetation Index | CVI = (NIR * Red) / (Green ^ 2)
- Normalized Green | NG = Green / (NIR + Red + Green)
- Normalized Near Infrared | NNIR = NIR / (NIR + Red + Green)
- Normalised Red | NR = Red / (NIR + Red + Green)
- Triangular Vegetation Index | TVI =0.5 * (120 * (NIR – Green) – 200 * (Red – Green))
Product Specifications